Story Santo

Santo has Down syndrome and there is a big age gap between him and his siblings. For the first year, the family did not notice that Santo was special.

Only when he lagged behind in his development did concerns arise. The family had to make ends meet on what father earned that day, and a day without work was a day without food. So there was also no money to take Santo to a doctor. A neighbor with a child with a disability noticed the difference in Santo’s development and suggested his parents go to Niketan’s early intervention project. By that time Santo was three years old, could not talk and was very restless. In the early intervention group, he learned to play with other children, wait his turn and focus. He has friends with whom he gets into mischief when he can and has cautiously started to say his first words. His brothers help him at home and play with him; they are overjoyed that Santo has started to become part of family life.

Also read the story of Yeasin

Support Santo, help him to develop his skills.

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