Story Rafi

Rafi Mia is fifteen years old and has a developmental delay. A few years ago he wandered the streets of Shahely.

His father, due to his own intellectual disability, had no influence on Rafi and he did not listen to his mother. Community workers spoke to him and took him to a veranda school. Rafi wanted to work, but his lack of social skills prevented him from expressing himself in a socially desired way. He was called names on the street and irritations arose between everyone involved. Rafi then participated in the ‘Right to Decide’ training program, where he learned social skills, how to behave in the workplace and how to handle money. His community worker organized an interactive meeting in the main shopping street of the village and asked the local shopkeepers to employ Rafi. A snack bar was up for it. Rafi has learned to pour tea and later make snacks such as samosas and singaras.

He is now accepted and respected, earns about 4 euros a day and has recently won the ‘DRRA Youth Summit’ award of 10,000 taka (100 euros).


Also read the story of Sanjida