Nieuws NGO Netwerk dag

Op 22 september organiseert Niketan in samenwerking met de Ambassade van Bangladesh een Netwerk dag voor NGO’s actief in Bangladesh.

Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:

16.00    Receiving guests

16.30    Opening by H.E. Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal

16.40    Introduction 1: Intro; current status in working conditions in Bangladesh; security, government policy etc; Mr. Kazi Russl Pervez/Mr. Istiaque Ahmed Counsellor/First Secretary

17.00    Introduction 2: A view in the new policy for Bangladesh and What to expect of the Netherlands Embassy;   Mrs. Ella de Voogd, Previous First secretary SRHR, Education and Gender at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Dhaka, and Member of Advisory Board of Niketan.

17.20     Plenary session,

(a) Looking back at your joint experience, what are the main results and successes you feel you have contributed to Bangladesh

(b) Looking ahead, what do you think are the greatest challenges facing the country and how can we adapt our support and assistance

18.00    drinks & food & networking

19.00    Closure

Interesse! Meld je voor 19 september aan op


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