News Annual impact report

Proudly, we like to share our annual impact in 2021.

2021 was the second “COVID year”, which obviously, still affected our activities very much. Schools were closed and then reopened again. We couldn’t carry out all the activities as planned.

Our approach during the 2020-2021 COVID pandemic earned Niketan the Impact Award. This award is an initiative of the Netherlands Fundraising Regulator (CBF) and Goede Doelen Nederland, a sector organization for registered charities based in the Netherlands. It is a national award for Dutch charitable organizations that have a keen eye for the effectiveness of their strategies. We found new ways to reach our target groups during COVID. By focusing on the entire family rather than just the child with a disability, we were able to increase our impact. We will continue to use these lessons in the future, without COVID.

We provided emergency aid to 220 families in the form of income-generating activities, enabling 159 families to improve their income. In 2021, with our care and education program, we put a smile on the face of 528 children with a disability and their families and supported them in taking a step towards a better future.

In the past year we were also able to launch and present our project ‘My Name is Runa’. A beautifully developed children’s book in Bangla for children in elementary schools near our projects. In it, they read about what life is like for peers with disabilities. How they are bullied, but also what their dreams can be and how they can live together. This helps to change their perception of peers with disabilities.

click on the photo below to download the annual report

annual report


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