News Graduated

In the Netherlands, the children have passed their final exams and will prepare for the next phase. On our projects, the children are also successful. Children with disabilities would like wise their brothers, sisters, cousins show their progress in school proudly.

To make this possible Niketan works with thematic learning materials, each theme is completed with a final exam. The thematic education approach encourages the curiosity of children and leads to children own initiatives, they learn to build their own personality. The aim is that all children succeed so that their self-esteem gets a boost and they can take home their certificates proudly.

To give young people a voice, to teach them to stand up for their rights and giving them a chance in the labor market, we work with the ‘My Way to Work’ training. Each chapter of this training is completed with a test, afterwards the student receives a certificate. Learning vocational skills is possible within our protected workplaces. This training consists of various components for which a (partial) certificate can be achieved.

In May and June, all children and adolescents in Niketan projects did their exams and obtained a certificate. Sodeb, was a village idiot, for years he ran half-naked through the village and attacked girls and children.

Thanks to your support, he was admitted to our school and developed rapidly. In the sheltered carpenter unit he learned sanding, sawing, measuring, interact and collaborate with others. He made a stool for his exam independently. We are proud of the results of all our students.


4 June 2024 Annual report 2023

It is with great pleasure that we hereby share with you the link to our annual report.

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25 March 2024 Are you happy?

Happiness is different for everyone, but the feeling comes from within. Many factors influence your sense of happiness,…

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